The information in this Document/page applies to the search engine operated under Microsoft FrontPage 2000. Appreciation to Microsoft for this information.
This article lists all the words that will be ignored when a visitor to this site attempts to search using the Search Template.
NOTE: Both the singular and the plural versions of the words will be ignored.
-A- | |||||
a about above according across actually |
adj after afterwards again against all |
almost alone along already also although |
always among amongst an and another |
any anyhow anyone anything anywhere |
are aren't around as at |
-B- | |||||
b be became because |
become becomes becoming been |
before beforehand begin beginning |
behind being below beside |
besides between beyonds billion |
both but by |
-C- | |||||
c can |
can't cannot |
caption co |
co. |
could | couldn't |
-D- | |||||
d did |
didn't do |
does doesn't |
don't |
down | during |
-E- | |||||
e each eg |
eight eighty either |
else elsewhere end |
ending enough etc |
even ever every |
everyone everything everywhere except |
-F- | |||||
f few |
fifty first |
five for |
former formerly |
forty found |
four from further |
-G- | |||||
g | |||||
-H- | |||||
h had has hasn't have |
haven't he he'd he'll he's |
hence her here here's |
hereafter hereby herein hereupon |
hers herself him himself |
his how however hundred |
-I- | |||||
i i'd i'll |
i'm i've ie |
if in inc. |
indeed instead into |
is isn't it |
it's its itself |
-J- | |||||
j | |||||
-K- | |||||
k | |||||
-L- | |||||
l last |
later latter |
latterly least |
less let |
let's like |
likely ltd |
-M- | |||||
m made make makes |
many maybe me meantime |
meanwhile might million miss |
more moreover most mostly |
mr mrs much |
must my myself |
-n- | |||||
n namely neither |
never nevertheless next |
nine ninety no |
nobody none nonetheless |
noone nor not |
nothing now nowhere |
-O- | |||||
o of off |
often on once |
one one's only |
onto or other others |
otherwise our ours ourselves |
out over overall own |
-P- | |||||
p |
per | perhaps | |||
-Q- | |||||
q | |||||
-R- | |||||
r |
rather |
recent | recently | ||
-S- | |||||
s same seem seemed seeming |
seems seven seventy several she |
she'd she'll she's should shouldn't |
since six sixty so some |
somehow someone something sometime sometimes |
somewhere still stop stoplist such |
-T- | |||||
t takin g ten than that that'll that's that've |
the their them themselves then thence there there'd |
there'll there're there's there've thereafter thereby therefore therein |
thereupon these they they'd they'll they're they've thirty |
this those though thousand three through throughout thru |
thus to together too toward towards trillion twenty two |
-U- | |||||
u under |
unless unlike |
unlikely until |
up upon |
us used | using |
-V- | |||||
v | very | via | |||
-W- | |||||
w was wasn't we we'd we'll we're we've |
well were weren't what what'll what's what've whatever |
when whence whenever where where's whereafter whereas whereby |
wherein whereupon wherever whether which while whither who |
who'd who'll who's whoever whole whom whomever whose |
why will with within without won't would wouldn't |
-X- | |||||
x | |||||
-Y- | |||||
y yes |
yet you |
you'd you'll |
you're you've |
your yours |
yourself yourselves |
-Z- | |||||
z |