The the letter Giering/Gühring Family An ICON of Trees Trees

Main Chart
June 1, 2004


Index of Names

Offspring Charts

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Finding the start of known family trees So finden sie die Anfänge von bekanntet Familien Stammbäumen

The information in this section of the Giering Family Web-site identifies the offspring of Giering/Gühring family lines - both those that retain the Giering/Gühring Family name as well as those whose surnames have changed primarily due to marriage. Currently there are a number of family lines known to the research behind this web site. One of the missions of the research for this web site is to connect all of the family lines together into one composite line. To view the currently known family lines, click here. Unknown Lines (Werner, Johannes, Friedrich and Christian)


Documents in this Web Site are of two classes: worksheets (each document represents an individual or a family in the collection) and chart pages (each document is a page of this offspring chart). In General, there are two ways one can get to the chart.


When one is in the chart and sees a name that is of interest, how does one find additional information on that person? Getting to a worksheet differs depending upon whether the person is listed ONLY as an offspring (of someone else) or whether the person has offspring.


The following assumes the web site has been completed. As is noted on the Home Page, there are a number of worksheets not yet converted into the Web Site. For the most part, this condition is identified by the ID not being a link. In the few instances where it is, if one attempts to link from a chart page to a non-existing worksheet, a page with a message indicating the worksheet is not found will be displayed. Use the BACK button to return to the chart.


The offspring chart identifies the offspring of a given member of the Giering Family Tree. Each offspring set is identified as follows:

                       Znn  ggg_mmm <Surname>
                           | Given Name
                           | Given Name______________________Znn__
   <Given Member>__________| Given Name
                           | <Spouse Type> <Spouse Name>
                           | Given Name
                           | Given Name


  1. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - The number at the top of the list of offspring (shown as "ggg_nnn" is the identification number as described in the "homepage" seen when the viewer first entered this web site (the GOBACK key can be used to return to that document if necessary or one can return using the main menu above). If this identification number is a link value (it is blue and inderlined), clicking on the link will cause a journey to the person's (or Family's) worksheet. If the identification number is not a link, it means the worksheet has not yet been converted to the Internet.

  2. <Surname> - This is included for all generation sets where the surname is NOT Giering AND the Surname is known; a Surname of "UNKNOWN" is also used. This is normally found for those offspring sets that trace their lineage back through a female whose marriage changed the surname of the offspring. A surname of GIERING is assumed if this item is blank.

  3. <Given Member> - This is the name of the person that is a parent of the offspring set. The complete generation set represents all of the known offspring for this <Given Member>.

  4. Given Name - This is the given name of the child of the <Given Member> and a spouse. Children in an offspring set are listed in chronological birth order (if known). This includes adopted and foster children where legal relationship has been obtained. Normally only the first given name is listed. Exceptions to this rule include a Roman Numeral identifying same name offspring (note that JUNIOR is not used even though it may be found on the birth certificate). The surname for the child is the last listed surname.

  5. <Spouse Type> - Where the offspring set includes children from more than one spouse, subsequent spouses are identified. The <Spouse Type> identifies the type of spouse: "WIFE" indicates a legally married subsequent wife; "CL" indicates a "Common Law Wife or Husband; "Husb" identifies a subsequent husband, etc. In the case of "Husb" the new surname is given.

  6. <Spouse Name> - Is used only with <Spouse Id>. For female spouses this is normally the first name of the subsequent spouse. For male spouses, where the following offspring have another surname, this is the surname of the subsequent spouse.

  7. Znn - This represents an inter-page link (called a "page ID"). It is normally some alphabetic letter followed by two decimal digits. When found to the right of a child in the offspring list with an underscore leading to it, it represents a link from the current page to a succeeding page in the set of chart pages. When found to the left of an Identification number, it is the destination of a link from a preceding page to the current page. These inter-page links are bi-directional. When the composite chart pages are printed, this link id can be used manually to aid in locating the linkage or connection.

  8. NOTE: A name followed by an "X" indicates known information that that line ends with that person. The individual is known to have had no offspring.

CONNECTION BETWEEN PAGES - As one is viewing a chart page (horizontal scrolling may be necessary), one reaches a margin (a left margin if tracing ancestors or a right margin if tracing children). There is a page Id at each margin. Each trace line at a right margin has a Page Id (see "Znn" in the previous list). This id is a link to the point on a succeeding page where the offspring chart for the person from whom the trace line originated. When tracing ancestors and one reaches the offspring chart at a left margin, the top of the left most offspring chart has a page Id next to the family identification number at the top of the chart. This Id links to the trace line at the right margin of the preceeding page where the ancestor line continues.

PIPELINES - On the left edge of some of the pages is either |ÎÎÎ| or |VVV|. These symbols are considered "Pipelines". These pipeline symbols are used ONLY when the pages are printed and pasted together. A pipeline implies that there would be more than five vertical lines connecting the entrance/exit on the left of a page and the offspring chart to or from which the connection applies. The |ÎÎÎ| pipeline symbol is an "upward pipe" and means that, in tracing from a parent to the offspring the moveent is upward from the point of entry to the offspring chart - obviously one goes down an "upward" pipe when tracing from an offspring chart to the parent. The symbol |VVV| is a "downward pipe" and is the opposite of the "upward pipe".



In order to obtain a complete assembled Giering Family Offspring Chart, it is necessary to print the pages that make up the composite chart. Each page of the chart is designed not only for viewing, but also for printing to facilitate the assembling of the composite chart.

The chart can be thought of as pages making up sections. A section is a set of pages assembled into a vertical strip - one page glued below the preceding page. Each section is then assembled with each section glued to preceding sections. Vertical and horizontal lines are designed to match-up to facilitate tracing family lines.

SECTIONS APPROXIMATE YEARS OF BIRTH (YOB) - While this relationship is not a hard-and-fast rule, section numbers equate to the approximate the century in which the person is/was born. Section one contains individuals whose Year of Birth (YOB) is approximately between 1600 and 1699. Section two is for people whose YOB is in the seventeen hundreds, etc. There can and will be overlaps - for example, section five would be for people born after the year 2000; actually section five contains persons whose YOB is also in the latter part of the twentieth century.

Each chart page is numbered with a <section number>, a hyphen and a <page number> (within the section). For example, the top page of section three is numbered PG3-1, the next lower page of section three is PG3-2 and so forth. Using the following list of section pages (found following the assembling section, click on each page and bring it up for viewing. Print each page separately.


  1. All of the Chart pages are not yet fully constructed. Eventually there will be separate wall-size charts for each of the individual family Trees. While all but one of the individual charts are complete, the worksheets associated with the charts have not all been incorporated into the Web Site. IT MUST BE NOTED THAT AS MORE INFORMATION CONCERNING THE FAMILY LINES IS OBTAINED, THE CHARTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE LINES MAY AND PROBABLY WILL CHANGE.

  2. Adjust the "page setup" definition for the printer to be used. Prior to changing the settings, record the original settings so that they can be re-instated following the printing of the chart. Set all four margins: TOP, BOTTOM, RIGHT and LEFT to zero or the minimum number possible. Do not use any pre-defined header or footer.


  3. Adjust, if possible, the print position of the paper in the printer: The top line should print at the very top of the page (immediately below the tear, if on a continuous form printer) and position one of each print line should be immediately at the left mergin. For conformity in assembly, print the complete chart WITH THE SAME SETTINGS.

  4. A matter of WARNING concerning upgraded Browsers. If you have previously printed a wall chart and note, in the table below, that a given page has been updated, normnally one can just print the replacement page. If, however, you have upgraded your browser since the chart was printed, it may be necessary to re-print the complete chart as Browsers change both display and print appearances.


Once the pages have been printed, assemble each section by glueing each numbered page beneath the page with the preceding number in such a way as to cover the Copyright notice on the higher numbered pages (a copyright notice will remain at the bottom of the assembled section) - the horizontal line should help and the vertical lines should meet.

Once the sections have been assembled, glue them together with the lower numbered sections to the left of the higher numbered sections. The horizontal lines should line up.


There are eight separate charts - one for each of the separate and, based upon currently available information, independent family lines. The set of individual chart pages (and the latest date associated with that page) making up an individual composite wall chart can be found by linking to the chart specification listed for whichever chart is desired:

SPECIAL CONSIDERATION WHEN READING THE ASSEMBLED CHART - To read across section boundries is normally as simple as following the vertical and horizontal ines. There is one exception, however. When the number of vertical lines on the left margin of a page of a section, they are replaced by a "pseudo-pipline" This appears as "|ÎÎÎ|" or "|VVV|" on each printed line (some of them have horizontal lines attached). This "pipeline" assumes that all vertical lines that would be shown are bundled within the pipe. In these instances, to find the horizontal connection, use the three charater (one alphabetic character followed by two numerics, e.g. P23) link identifier found at the end of the horizontal line of a preceeding page to find the same identifier to the left of the family identification number of the associated offaspring chart on a succeeding page, and vice versa.

Please send comments, suggestions and especially added information to: DICK.GIERING@WORLDNET.ATT.NET


The following are the notes (e.g "Footnotes" as referred to by superscript characters in the various chart pages. Each of the notes is a potential target of the link that is the footnote reference. It is anticipated that viewers, when encountering a footnote, will click on the link which will bring them to the actual "footnote". When the viewer is finished perusing the note, the use of the "BACK" key will return the viewer to the original document.

    1.     This person married a cousin who was once removed. The identification number link following this noted reference is the location of the offspring chart.
    Use the BACK key to return to the chart page being viewed.

    2.     This offspring is/was adopted. Since the adoption as legal, this non-birth offspring is considered a part of the Giering Family.
    Use the BACK key to return to the chart page being viewed.

    3.     See 017_020 and/or 018_060 for Carol's dual parentage.
    Use the BACK key to return to the chart page being viewed.

    4.     Even though, for some unknown reason, Richard's birth certificate recording spells his name GEIRING, he is a direct descendent of Andreas Giering through his Father: Howard Giering.
    Use the BACK key to return to the chart page being viewed.

    5.     This offspring, although not officially adopted, uses the Giering surname.

    6.     This offspring was not officially adopted and offspring are not carried forward.

COPYRIGHT © 1997 through 2001 and beyond, Richard (Dick) Giering
All rights reserved; Copies may be made without prior permission ONLY with credit to the Author
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