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Index of Names![]() Namenrgister |
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A, E, I, M, Q, U, Y, B, F, J, N, R, V, Z, C, G, K, O, S, W, D, H, L, P, T, X, Additional Names
The index is in twenty-six parts: one for each letter of the alphabet representing those name-strings that have that initial letter. This set of initial-letters is considered the "Main Index". To find a name, jump (click) to the initial letter:
This index identifies all names found on one or more of the documents found on this site. Names are found multiple times in this index: once for each name-part (other than the name GIERING). For example, the name "JOHN PAUL JONES", would be found as "JOHN PAUL JONES", "PAUL JONES, JOHN" and "JONES, JOHN PAUL".
Clicking on a name will cause the worksheet document on which the person appears to be displayed. If the person is the principal person(s) for that document, the document will be displayed from the top. Clicking on persons other than the principal(s) (E.G. spouses and/or children) will cause the document to be displayed with the position of the name at the top of the screen.
The names in this index represent persons for whom not only is information available, but also the author has been able to expend the effort necessary to convert the information to Internet Format (HTML). Information on an additional (in excess of 500) names and.or families. These names are catagorized in two additional lists - one for those with GIERING surnames and those with surnales of other than GIERING. As the additional worksheets are generated, the names will be transfered from these lists to this index.
To view either of these lists, click on the desired list:
Names with a surname of Giering.
Names with non-Giering surnames.